
首页 Events d Agenda V1-5th LNG-fueled Ship & LNG Shanghai Summit 2022

d Agenda V1-5th LNG-fueled Ship & LNG Shanghai Summit 2022

第五届2022年LNG动力船和技术装备上海峰会将于12月1-2日在上海举办 5th LNG-fueled Ship & LNG Technology Shanghai Su…

5th LNG-fueled Ship & LNG Technology Shanghai Summit 2022
2nd LNG Terminal & Distribution Technology Shanghai Summit 2022

Preliminary Agenda-V1 ( The final one is developing and will come late )

5th LNG-fueled Ship & LNG Technology Shanghai Summit 2022

Time:   Dec. 1-2, 2022 Place: Shanghai

Day 1  Dec. 1, 2022 ( Thursday )

8:30-9:00 Registration and tour around the small-sized booths

9:00-9:05 Welcome address

9:05-11:00 Keynote speech

LNG industry updates: what is experiencing and expected in global market?

How LNG industry will reshape the shipping industry ?

What digitalization and smart technology facilitate businesses?

LNG’s supply and bottlenecks

What new players are transforming the industries

Industry chain’s key planning & investment

11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break

 11:20-12:30 Session A: LNG-fueled ship in action

Ship owners’ perspective

Shipbuilders’ perspective

Solution providers’ perspective

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:30 Session B:  Methanol-fueled ship market

Global decarbonization development and trends

How methanol as a catalyst for green industry innovation

Latest updates on methanol fueled engines.

What new technologies and new players are transforming the industries

How stakeholders have been affecting along with the industry chains?

15:30-16:00 Refreshment Break

16:00-17:30 Session C: LNG-Fueled System  development

Roadmap to net zero application

Methanol as Fuel from class society’s  experience

Alternative fuels insight-status

Green shipping’s new strategy, application and challenges

What burning issues will be caused by the industry rush ?

Industry chain & cluster’s development

18:00-20:00 Dinner To be confirmed depending on the possible sponsorship 

Day 2  Dec. 2, 2022 ( Friday )

9:00-9:30 Registration and tour around the displaying booths

 9:00-9:05 Welcome address


9:05-11:00 Session C : LNG Terminals, transferring & flow handling

 Updates on major development on  technology and regulations

How infrastructures or facilities have been improved so far ?

What new options are available for the owners and operators

Practices: LNG transferring & flow handling

BOG’s new solution

11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break

11:20-12:30 Session D: LNG Bunkering Ship 

Newbuilding market

Tank’s integration

Developing strategies to new regulations & challenges

Shipowner’s experience & expectation

Operator’s experience & expectation

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-17:00 Session E: LNG-fueled ship’s bunkering

Benchmarking: experiences and  across the supply chain

Management system technical evaluation

Overcoming vessel-specific bunkering challenges

Going beyond the current management systems and legislation

How to plan bunkering & prevent operational failures?

How to guarantee the systems meet requirements for both IMO & local rules

17:00-17:50 Closing Remarks

The above topics and this agenda is preliminary and will be subject to change on site.

Selected pictures for the past held events as below:


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