
首页 Events Green Smart Ship Dalian Forum 2023 on Aug. 30-31

Green Smart Ship Dalian Forum 2023 on Aug. 30-31

Based on Forums   being successfully held in the past. The Green Smart Ship Industry Devel…

Based on Forums   being successfully held in the past. The Green Smart Ship Industry Development Dalian Forum 2023  will be coming on Aug. 30-31,  2023 in Dalian  which will be in  conjunction with  Innovation Development on Ship Equipment & Materials Dalian Forum 2023, guided by The Chinese Society Of Naval Architects And Marine Engineers, hosted by  Liaoning Society Of Naval Architects And Marine Engineers, and jointly organized by us International Ship & Offshore Media China and Creative China with Hi-tech Ship Innovation Alliance.

The forum is based on the successful previous Summits  held in Dalian, Shanghai and  Beijing, which  each attracted industry  professionals from abroad and home.

Event overview:  . The upcoming event will gather leading  port owners, operators, builders, suppliers, designers, investors, operators and experts and practitioners together to discuss about the industry trends, opportunities and challenges, with the focus on the  new ship applications, new technologies,   industry achievements,  applications, marine propulsion systems, power system, power conversion technologies and others.

The  agenda is developing and the draft preliminary version as the link below:

We sincerely invite you and your company to sponsor or attend the event, especially you are expected to deliver a speech or exhibit your ideas, solutions or services. Please let us know your possible topic or attendance at your earliest convenience.

Entrance ticket Fee: ¥3,500 RMB ($500)per person  which  will  cover  the costs  for each  forum  attendance, lunch,  forum  materials  and other  benefits the forum offers.

Earlier bird rate is ¥3,000RMB ($250)per person,  if paid before Aug. 20, 2023 and Payment   must be   received  before  the  event  in  order  to  secure  your  seat  ).

For speech sponsorship, each 20 minute slot:

40000 rmb (6500 us$ ) in  morning, Early-bird rate: 35000 rmb ( 5500us$ ) ;

25000 rmb ( 3500 us$ ) in  afternoon, Early-bird rate: 22000 rmb ( 3200us$ )

Above sponsorship will be granted free display  desk )

Exhibiting desk sponsorship: A area:60000 rmb ( 10000us$ ) ;B area:40000rmb ( 7000us$ ), C area:20000rmb ( 3000us$ ).

( Note: the above 3 sponsorships are granted with 3 free entrance tickets )

More sponsorship program are open as listed in the Appendix 3 below.

All above sponsorship will be granted with 3 person tickets free of charge.

Should you have any suggestions or advise, please feel free let us know.

On behalf of  the organizers

Mr. Bob Li     by Email: chinabobli@126.com

Mr. Peter Li  by Email: china@ishipoffshore.com

Mr. Larry Ma  by china@seahow.cn



Appendix 1:Agenda(is developing and will come soon)

Appendix 2:Registration

Appendix 3:Sponsorship program for the Summit


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邮箱: chinabobli@126.com



